Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Here some essential about your health for asbestos exposure

Asbestos was a very common material until 1999. It was very effective in commercial and non-commercial buildings as a fireproof object. People did not about the harm of asbestos exposure. Recent research has shown us how dangerous asbestos particle is. Asbestos fibers never demolished. It continues to go smaller and sharper in size. At times, it goes so small and sharp that can fly in air. Then it becomes a part of air and we take it with our inhalation system. This particle is very dangerous inside our body.

Significant exposure to asbestos can cause lung cancer, mesothelioma and nonmalignant lung and pleural disorders, including asbestosis, pleural plaques, pleural thickening, and pleural effusions. If a high rate of asbestos is taken inside body for a long, times can cause these diseases. At a time of 20-40 years may cause even death. Maximum number of asbestos taken through inhale system goes expelled. Some of them logged in lung and stay throughout life. This may affect breathing and cause diseases.
Asbestos harm may continue to harm your body after stopping exposed to asbestos. Smokers can be affected easily in lung cancer if they are in asbestos exposure. According to the Environmental Working Group Action Fund, every year 10000 people suffer from asbestos related diseases. Almost 4500 people die every year all over the world. The laws of established countries do not allow using asbestos any more. In USA, it was banded in 1999. India, France, Australia, Brazil and other counties banded it from 1997 to 2011 years. Now it is banded all over the world. Some countries give special payment for the people who are damaged by exposure to asbestos. Now people can feel a lot safer than any other times in terms of asbestos.